
What is your favorite color?

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 27, 2009
Colors are linked to the mental and physical status. Also, they reflect people’s personality. Select the eight given colors according to your preferences and see what you are like.

If you like red color the most, you are quite quick-tempered. You like to win over others and are sexy. You can be a good leader, and desire to live your life to attain your goal. Red color reflects hot temper and unlimited energy. If red is your seventh or eighth favorite color, this means you do not favor adventures.

Yellow reflects fun and relaxation. If yellow is your second, third or fourth favorite color, you are optimistic. You give importance to future and do not adhere to the past. You search for a simple life. You also consider problems unimportant and are not afraid of them. You dedicate yourself to work, but not seriously and consistently. If you like yellow the most, you are ambitious and active about what you enjoy or have fun. If yellow is the last favorite color, you are lonely and obsessed by depression and disappointment. As a result, you always isolate and protect yourself from other people.

Green reflects stability and conservationism. If you like this color the most, you are firm, possessive and rather selfish. You are a highly competent and materialistic person. You want to impress others and are afraid of failure in the future. If green is your least favorite color, you used to experience advancement setbacks and felt hurt. Therefore, you are critical, sarcastic and stubborn.

Purple is the combination between violence, quick temper and serenity. If you like purple the most, you long for the most perfect relationship and want to explore beyond-the-world mysteries. You are also childish and always stick to dreams. If purple is your least favorite one, you are mature and like to face the truth.

If brown is your fourth or fifth favorite color, you give importance to health and look. It is possible that you are in a good shape. If purple is your most favorite color, you are not confident and quite restless. It can also mean living in an unstable environment. Refugees like this color the most. Nevertheless, if brown is your least favorite color, you do not concern about your health at all.

It is like something in between two different things. If grey is your most favorite color, you tend to be a closed person. You like to prevent yourself from any obligations or commitments. You can be reasonable at one time and emotional at another time. You will be under stress when you have to participate in or stick to the group. You like to observe from outside more. If grey is your least favorite color, you like to participate in the situation and are so active.

Blue represents peace and honesty. If you like blue so much, you are sensitive and can easily get hurt. You are satisfied with your way of life, and want a peaceful and smooth life. You are ready to exchange anything for such goal. You seek stable relationship. The more you dislike blue color, the more you want to be free from things to which you are obliged.

If black is your most favorite color, you like challenges and resist destiny. If it is your second favorite color, you are ready to exchange everything for what you want. If black is the seventh or eighth favorite color, you agree to be controlled by destiny. If you like yellow and black color the most, this means you always like changes in your life.