
Is it time for a health check-up?

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

July 14, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – More Thai people went to get their health check-ups at nationwide hospitals as the number of influenza 2009 patients kept rising.

Thais were earlier seen without face masks even though the A flu outbreaks were reported in many countries.

It is believed that Thai people would not wear face masks although they were worried about the outbreak news.

However, Thai people are more alert to the influenza 2009. For example, the number of people going for check-ups at Ramathibodi Hospital grew by four times.

They have turned to face masks so much that the mask shortage occurs and the price keeps going up.

The accumulated number of A flu patients have reached 4,062 today, according to the public health ministry.

The cabinet approved buying two millions doses of anti-A flu vaccines from France, and this would cost 600 million baht.

Vaccines will come to Thailand in the next 4-5 months.

The government accepted the pharmaceutical company’s condition that the vaccine manufacturer would not be responsible for any side-effects.