
Our economy is not that bad: Tarisa

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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February 27, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Bank of Thailand (BoT) Governor Tarisa Watanagase argued back Moody’s announcement that Thai economy was the worst in Asia, saying the injection has started to enter the economic system.

Tarisa said she was not sure what Moody’s was talking about since it presented only information from Thai side without comparing information to those of Thailand’s neighbors.

She admitted the country’s minus economic growth would be as expected by the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board.

However, Tarisa believed the first quarter’s economy would be better than that of the fourth quarter in 2008.

She also said that Thailand’s economy in 2010 would improve compared to this year’s economic figures.

It was anticipated that the US economy would recover at the end of this year.

Tarisa expected that the country’s economy would pick up in the third quarter of 2009.

Moody’s Investors Service earlier announced that Thailand’s economy in the fourth quarter of 2008 was the most affected and the worst in Asia.