
Warning of heavy fogs in upper parts of Thailand

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

MGR Photo.

January 22, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – The Meteorological Department warned Thai people of heavy fogs in the north, northeast, central region as well as Bangkok and surrounding provinces.

Heavy fogs can be seen during 01:00-08:00 am. Horizontal visibility will be lower than 500 metres.

Motorists and travelers were urged to turn on fog lights and reduce driving speed when driving in foggy areas.

In the north, temperature on top of the mountain can be as low as 5-9 degrees celsius whereas temperature can be as low as 6-10 degrees celsius in the northeast.

Temperature will go up 1-2 more degrees celsius in the central region.

Heavy fogs can also be seen in several areas of the east. Waves can be lower than one metre high.

Cool weather and foggy morning will be in the eastern south. Waves can be 1-2 metres high.

The lowest temperature can be 21 degrees celsius in the western south whereas the highest temperature 33 degrees celsius. Waves can be lower than one metre high.

Cool weather will be in Bangkok and adjourning provinces although temperature will be higher a little.