
No deflation this year: commerce ministry

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 10, 2009
Bangkok (Manager Online) - Deflation would not take place because of unemployment problem and less consumers’ spending, according to the commerce ministry.

Siripol Yodmuangcharoen, permanent-secretary for commerce, said the average inflation would not go up much this year despite the economic problem.

He was confident the economic slump would not lead to deflation as many parties expressed their concerns.

Commerce ministry is considering adding more products to the examined item list. The figures will be raised from 374 to 418.

Change in examined products is to enable the inflation to reflect the real costs more.

More categories such as food and beverage, garment, housing, personal service, transport, entertainment, education, tobacco and alcoholic drink will be covered.

Thailand’s fundamental consumer price index rose 1.8 percent in December 2008.