
Bomb blast at Government House

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

January 8, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – A bomb blast took place just behind Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s room. Luckily, nobody is injured.

The explosion took place at around 2:00 pm at the back of the Government House.

Police, security guards and the reporters were all shocked by the blast and ran to the scene.

An official at the Government House reportedly found the lid of the draining system was not properly put while examining the area.

The explosion occurred when the official tried to put the lid back to the right position.

Fortunately, nobody is injured. Security guards are checking what caused the blast.

Prime Minister Abhisit earlier ordered probe into a mysterious, threatening phone number.

He revealed that he got threatening phone calls, but the pro-Thaksin group said Abhisit just wanted to make people feel sympathetic for him.