
One in five Thai women forced to have sex

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


December 27, 2008
Bangkok - Thailand is facing the population crisis due to sex imbalance, according to Mahidol University. One in five Thai women was forced to have their first sex.

More single women and low birth rate are said to affect the population structure in the future.

The sex imbalance will significantly affect the number of population and lead to the population crisis.

Sexual violence is affected by sex control and changing sex.

46% of girls were forced to have sex with their acquaintances such as husbands, boyfriends or friends. They were 10-14 years old.

All groups of population did not use condoms when having sex.

Population groups varied from aged people, infected persons, service girls to working people, rural people and youths.

Less than 70% of aged men used condoms when having sex with women, according to a survey.