
Homosexuality supports decreasing birth rate

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 26, 2008
Bangkok - Homosexuality is another reason for the decreasing birth rate, according to the public health ministry. Concerns over working population shortage in the future were expressed.

Though homosexuality is a sexual taste, it somehow affects the number of newborn babies.

A committee on reproduction and population policy will be set up to present information about sex and birth control in a new way so as to get quality children.

The number of female populations is nearly 900,000 higher than male populations, according to public health ministry.

This makes it less possible to get married and have a baby.

Besides, every one of one hundred working populations had to take care of 63 children and aged people compared to 48 in the past.

Thai woman averagely gave 1.5 birth compared to 5.1-5.3 thirty five years ago.

Premature sex also caused more sexually-transmitted disease among teenagers.