
Number of businesses ending rises over 211%

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

July 25, 2008
Bangkok - The number of businesses which end their operations increased 2.15.11%, according to the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

3,784 entrepreneurs registered their businesses in June, up 1.69%.

The highest number of business registration was in the construction, property and travel agent sector respectively.

90.1% of the business sector was affected by the interest rates.

Unpaid debt increased 26.6% while the transport cost soared 75.4% due to oil prices.

Entrepreneurs will have to deal with the rising product prices and turn to use the alternative energy such as LPG, gasohol and natural gas.

4.5-5% economic growth is targeted this year.

The private sector still wanted the government to specially take care of energy price freeze, economic boosting and interest freeze.

It is expected the inflation will remain at 9%.