
Trading time to be extended to attract working people, foreigners

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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July 1, 2008
Bangkok - The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is likely to offer another round of trading through the Internet to target the working people and foreigners.

A source at the SET revealed the online trading would be available during 5:00-9:00 PM.

The issue will be proposed at the SET board meeting in July.

This is to attract the teenagers, working people and foreigners in a hope to extend the customer base.

No cost will be increased for the brokerage firms as the online trading needs only one or two marketing staff to serve.

The securities firms will be surveyed to see how they think about the extension of the trading period.

The are currently two rounds of trading: during 10:00-12.30 AM and 2:30-4.30 PM.