
90 million baht to be spent on Sunday Buddhism centers

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


December 24, 2008
Bangkok (Manager Online) - The Department of Religious Affairs plans to develop the Sunday Buddhism centers at the budget of 90 million baht next year.

The department targets to open 3,500 centers nationwide.

Such number is to serve up to 670,000 youths and general public. Normally, Buddhism teaching and learning can be divided into three groups: beginning, intermediate and advanced level.

Sunday Buddhism Center scheme has taken place since 2006, and Buddhism centers have been continually developed since then.

There were 1,247 centers in 2006 and more than 300,000 people studied Dharma at the centers.

The number of centers rose to 1,779 in 2007 and more than 400,000 people went to study Dharma at the centers.

There have been 2,305 Buddhism centers this year and the number of Dharma learners is totally 592,864.

This reflects children and youth realize the importance of Dharma learning more, and more people go to temple.

Sunday Buddhism Center project is to allow people to apply Dharma to their life and build quality human resources for the country.