
Hong Kong raises number of chicken eggs bought from Thailand

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


November 4, 2008
Bangkok - The number of chicken eggs which Hong Kong bought from Thailand increased onefold after a food scandal in Hong Kong.

Chicken egg orders were raised from 30 to 60 million per month.

More foreign countries turned to buy chicken eggs from Thailand after melamine was found in chicken eggs in Hong Kong.

As a result, Thailand’s orders rose more than twofold.

The chicken raiser association of Thailand however confirmed it would not increase capacity as hiking demand was only for a short term.

Chicken eggs in Hong Kong and Japan were contaminated with melamine. The food scandal took place at the end of October.

CP Group earlier confirmed its chicken eggs were melamine-free.

Thailand’s chicken egg capacity currently remains at 25 million per day which is close to the market’s real demand in the long run.