
PAD protesters to march in Bangkok

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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October 16, 2008
BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai anti-government protesters are planning to march through central Bangkok on Friday, keeping up the pressure after violent clashes with police last week.

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), which has been squatting in government offices since August, forcing officials to work elsewhere, said it would hand out CDs and books at the march depicting police violence.

One of PAD's leaders, Pibhob Dhongchai, said the material would "reveal the truth -- that the Thai police killed (innocent) people."

The PAD accuses the ruling People Power Party of running the country on behalf of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who was removed in a September 2006 coup and now lives in Britain.

Rights groups have condemned violence by police and protesters on October 7 after two people died and several hundred were injured.

The clashes began after PAD supporters descended on parliament to try to stop lawmakers from meeting, prompting police to fire tear gas to disperse them.