
Increasing sex among students

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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August 8, 2008
Bangkok - Increasing sex is seen among vocational and university students. Unplanned pregnancy rate is 180 cases per day. 45% had homosexual classmates.

More than 140,000 respondents were surveyed nationwide in the Child Watch project. Respondents were primary school, junior and high school, vocational and university students during 2006-2007.

36% of vocational and university students had sex, a 30% hike from the previous year. 56% of this group accepted co-habitation.

68,385 female teenagers who were less than 19 years old developed unwanted pregnancies.

Averagely, 45% had homosexual classmates.

As for morality, only 10% regularily did religious activities such as going to temple, giving alms to monks and practising meditation.

25% regularily chanted prayers before bedtime while 90% believed in the law of action.