
More youths bet on football

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June 13, 2008
Bangkok - Thai youths in all level of education tended to bet on football more, according to the Child Watch project.

Dr. Amornwit Nakonthap, director of the Ramjitti Institute, revealed more youths bet on football in 2007.

6.03% were in primary schools while 13.30% in high schools and 18.21% in vocational colleges.

Only the number of gamblers in undergraduate level dropped from 17.10% to 16.45%.

21.78% were male gamblers while 5.82% female gamblers.

The number of youths betting on football were totally one million.

It is expected the number of gamblers will increase twofold during the Euro 2008.

16.74% of the gamblers were in the northeast while 15.40% in the lower north, 15.07% in Bangkok and surrounding provinces, 14.5% in the central region, and 12.09% in the east, according to Chulalongkorn University’s survey.