
One-Two-Go Airlines plans layoffs

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


August 5, 2008
Bangkok - One-Two-Go Airlines plans to lay off 100 employees after its heavy loss caused by soaring oil prices and one-month service suspension.

It was reported employees whose periods of employment were less than one year would be laid off.

This is to reduce the impact of the heavy loss on the budget airline.

The low-cost airline cited it was affected by rising oil prices and temporary suspension of its flying service from July 22 to September 15.

Compensation will be paid to the employees according to the labor law.

Compensation payment will be made in installments as the company does not have much money.

The remaining employees will face up to 15-50% salary reduction as well.

So far, the employees have not got their July salaries yet. Normally, the payday is on the third day of each month.

Rumor has it that half of the salary will be first paid as the company has to bear the expenses in terms of returned tickets.