
Calling for more concrete AIDS problem solving plan

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


July 31, 2008
Bangkok - The public health ministry urged all ministries to conduct the AIDS plans so as to solve the problem concretely.

The AIDS situation is the world’s urgent issue which needs to be dealt with by all parties.

There were more than 33 million AIDS patients worldwide in 2007.

New AIDS patients were 2.5 million. This means the number of AIDS patients rose five persons per minute.

2.1 million patients were dead.

Dr. Siriporn Kanchana, deputy director-general of public health ministry, revealed a conference on AIDS situation yesterday took place at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel.

More than 450 govenors and local delegates attended the meeting.

1,242 AIDS patients have been found in Thailand this year. The existing number of patients is more than 330,000.

Infections tend to be found in gay or homosexual group. Children aged 15-20 years become the HIV-infected patients more.