
Different maps cause controversy over Preah Vihear temple

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

July 22, 2008
Bangkok - Different maps were blamed for causing the border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, according to Supreme Commander Boonsrang Niumpradit.

Cambodia is using the French version while Thailand a US-drawn map. As a result, it is difficult for both parties to reach an agreement.

Neither country was willing to relinquish their claim to a disputed Preah Vihear temple.

Gen Boonsrang was Thailand’s chief negotiator who held talks with Cambodian Defence Minister Tea Banh yesterday.

Cambodia suggested taking their dispute to the World Court in The Hague, and calling for UN Security Council meeting on the crisis, but Boonsrang said the Thai side was not keen on international involvement.

Thailand does not want foreign mediators to get involved in its border dispute with Cambodia.

Boonsang said tensions between the two countries might ease after Cambodian elections on July 27.

The United Nations earlier this month granted the temple World Heritage status