
Three Thais freed by Cambodian officials

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Member of the Dhamma Yatra group meditated near the Preah Vihear site. MGR Photo.

July 15, 2008
Bangkok - The Cambodian officials agreed to set free three Thai people for trespassing on the Cambodian land.

Three Thais are a monk named Khampong, Mr. Vicharn Tabsorn, 35, and Mrs. Chanikarn Kengnok, 45.

They were said to climb the iron gate to meditate on the wood bridge where Cambodian people build their houses, and were arrested at 7 AM.

They have been detained in the Preah Vihear site.

Lt Veerapong Sangwae, scout commander, previously negotiated with the Camobodian officials to free them. But the Cambodian officials refused to follow his request, confirming they would take a legal action against the three Thais.

But, they later freed the arrested Thais unconditionedly.

Thais were urged not to enter the disputed area at the moment so as to avoid any possible problems with Cambodians.