
Thais are so sick of politics

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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June 23, 2008
Bangkok - 78.6% of nearly 3,000 respondents were bored with the political situation while 50% said it was too fast to hold the censure debate against the government, according to the poll.

2,837 respondents in Bangkok and surrounding provinces were surveyed by the Assumption University.

78.6% were sick of politics while 25%, 20.7% and 17.8% were sad, uncomfortable and stressful about the political situation respectively.

66.8% strictly set their spending plans.

49.7% thought it was too soon to hold the no-confidence debate against the government while 22.4% thought it was too slow. 27.9% believed it was the right time to.

Most respondents wanted the debate to focus on the issue of economic and corruption problems, and social and political conflicts.

54.9% said it was too fast for the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to dismiss the government while 21.5% said it was too slow and 23.6% said it was the right time to.