
PM vows not to give in to protests

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

June 23, 2008
BANGKOK - Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said that he would not give in to protests against his administration, and was ready to answer his critics in the parliament.

Samak planned to head to work on Monday despite protests by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

"I will return to Government House on Monday... I come from legitimate elections," he said during his weekly television address.

Up to 25,000 protesters led by the PAD -- a coalition of mostly urban middle-class royalists -- defied police and marched to Government House on Friday after blockading a key Bangkok intersection for nearly fours weeks, according to AFP.

Several thousand demonstrators remained camped out around the seat of government.

Samak said he would be patient as he did not want riots to happen.

"I will avoid confrontation with the PAD," he added. "The country will function as usual. Whoever wants to show their powers, I will let them do it for the appropriate reasons and time."

House Speaker Chai Chidchob has set the debate to begin on Tuesday in a bid to defuse the political crisis engulfing the premier. A final vote is expected Thursday.

The opposition Democrat Party also filed a censure motion against Samak and seven cabinet ministers, saying that the premier mishandled soaring inflation in the country.

Their key complaint however -- shared by the PAD protesters -- is that Samak is running the country on the behalf of the ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The PAD have vowed to continue their rallies, saying that the no-confidence vote is not enough.