
Senate calls all parties not to use violence

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June 20, 2008
Bangkok - The Upper House urged the government, policemen and People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators not to use weapons or violence.

Mrs. Tasana Boonthong, second Deputy Senate Speaker, as well as 50 Senators jointly held a press briefing, calling for no weapon or violence use to clamp down the demonstrators.

The group also asked the protesters not to encounter the other side and give the emotional responses.

It said the soldiers should not interfere in today’s demonstration.

The Senator group gave its importance to the democratic administration and did not support a coup.

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was urged to revise the general debate proposed by 61Senators on June 23.

It was reported some Senators persuaded one another to observe the PAD rallies at the Government House.

Former premier Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyuth denied news that he proposed Samak resign.

Prime Minister Samak called an urgent meeting with army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda.

It was said the government might let the army handle the demonstration if the situation is not under control.