
PM says army not needed to quell street protests

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June 19, 2008
BANGKOK - Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said the military was not needed to quell street rallies as protesters vowed to bring down his elected government.

The so-called People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) plans to gather tens of thousands of people and march to Government House on Friday, according to AFP.

"The current situation is not so serious that we need the military or ISOC (the internal security body) to oversee it. Let the police take care of the situation," Samak told a high-level security meeting.

He accused the PAD of causing serious economic damage to the country, but promised that he would not impose emergency rule without first consulting the top military brass.

"Whatever decision I will make I will not make it alone. I will consult with the chiefs of military," he said.

Samak also questioned why the PAD was trying to oust his government.

"I don't understand why the PAD has announced that they will take over Government House," he said.

"There is no reason. Was the election illegal? There were voters who cast their votes, the government was installed and took the royal oath. Is the government illegal? We are not street gangsters."

Samak was chairing a meeting of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC), which was also attended by Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung and Army Chief General Anupong Paojinda.