
Cabinet extends emergency rule in Muslim south

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

April 18, 2008
Bangkok - The cabinet agreed to extend emergency rule in the Muslim-majority south and Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej promised that the divisive law would not last forever.

The state of emergency would be extended for three more months starting April 20 in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces.

"We endorsed the extension of emergency rule, which has been extended 10 times ... this extension would make the rule in place for a total time of 33 months," Samak told reporters after the meeting.

"The emergency rule will not continue forever because the situation is improving, but as of now we really need it," he said.

Emergency rule provides security forces broad immunity from prosecution, while giving them sweeping powers of search and seizure. Suspects can be detained for up to 30 days without charge.

Human rights groups have criticised the decree and say it creates a climate of impunity in the region, according to AFP.

More than 3,000 people have died since the separatist rebellion began in January 2004.