
BMTA union disagrees to Samak’s cancellation of non-air-conditioned buses

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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June 16, 2008
Bangkok - The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) union went to the Government House to send its letter to protest against the idea of cancelling 1,700 non-air-conditioned buses.

More than 20 delegates from the BMTA union led by the union’s leader Sanan Boon-ngok went to send the protest letter to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

The union urged the government to maintain the non-air-conditioned buses, saying the ratio between air-conditioned and ordinary buses at 50:50 was appropriate.

“BMTA plans to pull about 1,700 non-air-conditioned buses out of its fleet. 6,000 natural gas-fuelled buses will be brought into use instead. That will give no choice to the passengers as they have to bear the hiking fare burden,” said Sanan.

The starting fare for the natural gas-fuelled bus is 15 baht.

However, Prayoon Chuaykaew, leader of the BMTA employees, came with more than 100 BMTA employees to support the government and transport ministry’s idea to introduce the natural gas-fuelled buses to the passengers.

The E-Ticket system will also be introduced.

The idea is to solve the BMTA’s financial problem and to improve the life of people in Bangkok.