
Treasury Dept offers old coins today

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The two-baht coin is slightly larger than the one-baht coin. http://2bangkok.com

May 23, 2008
Bangkok - Old coins will be sold to mark the foundation of the Treasury Department on May 23.

The price of golden coins will go up due to rising cost of the metal.

Ms. Jaruwan Chanthimapong, deputy director general of the Treasury Department, revealed the new version of the two-baht coin would be available in September.

The new version is to replace the old version which is currently used.

The thickness of the five-baht coin will be reduced while the new two-baht coin will be in golden color so that people can differentiate it from the one-baht coin more easily.

The size of the ten, two, one and fifty-satang coin will be maintained. Silver, nickel and other commemorative coins will also be available.

1,500 million new coins will be launched into the system this year.