
Myanmar appreciates HM the King’s concern

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

DEDAYE, MYANMAR : Children try to retrieve useable articles from the debris of washed away houses in the cyclone-hit area of Dedaye township, some 48 kilometers south of Yangon on May 7, 2008. A UN spokesman said about 5,000 square kilometres (1,930 square miles) of Myanmars cyclone-hit regions remain underwater, with more than a million people in need of emergency relief. Without immediate assistance, the death toll -- officially at nearly 22,000 with about 42,000 missing -- would climb from the May 2-3 cyclone. AFP PHOTO / KHIN MAUNG WIN

May 8, 2008
Bangkok - Appreciating HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s concern, Myanmar thanks Thailand for being the first country to give help to its Nargis victims.

A press briefing on donation center was held. Thailand plans to raise funds and necessary stuff for the cyclone victims in Myanmar.

Myanmar was hit by the Cyclone Nargis on Friday. AFP reported up to 80,000 people were swept by the six metres high wave in Labutta alone.

The donation center is launched following Supreme Commander Gen Boonsang Niampradit’s policy.

Burmese government said it appreciated HM the King’s concern over Nargis victims.

It also praised Thailand for immediately giving help, saying Thailand is like a friend indeed.

Myanmar specially requests large tents, satellite phones, electrical tubes, lanterns and ready-to-eat food.

Those who want to make donation can contact 0-2572-1500 or
0-2572-1588 24 hours.