
Sex with robots by 2050

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

March 5, 2008
An artificial intelligence expert claims we will be having sex with robots by 2050, according to Ananova.

David Levy says by then robots will be nearly indistinguishable from real people.
In his book, Sex With Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot relationships, he writes: "Great sex on tap for everyone, 24/7. What's not to like?"

According to Levy, the people who are most likely to benefit from these sexbots are those so ugly or isolated that they have trouble finding human romance.

He said: "They're lonely, they're miserable. I think society will be a much better place when they have an alternative that satisfies them without doing any harm to other people.

"If there was a robot of the sort I describe in the book, I would certainly want to experience using it for sex and I wouldn't regard it as anything untoward.

"I would do it out of curiosity. Not that I have a need for a new sex partner, I'm happily married."