
Tough game seen for Thai team

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

February 6, 2008
Bangkok - A tough game is seen for the Thai team as it has to play against Japan’s team in the qualifying round without Datsakorn and Suree.

Thailand’s coach Chanvit Phalajivin was surprised to learn that he could not use midfielder Datsakorn Thonglao or Manchester City FC defender Suree Sukha because of the number of yellow cards they had picked up in previous matches, according to AFP.

He said he did not get any information from either the Asian Football Confederation or FIFA. If he was told before, he would not bring them to Japan.

"Thailand played the first and second qualifying rounds, while Japan didn't, so they have no accumulated yellow cards. Do you think it's fair? We submitted the list of players a month ago. Is this football or politics?"

Chanvit admitted cold weather conditions were a major disadvantage for his players.

"Of course, it's difficult to beat them, but anything is possible if you do your best. Maybe we can cause a surprise. I really want to take three points from a win."