
PTT plans to raise 0.40 baht per litre of oil prices

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

January 7, 2008
Bangkok - PTT executive admits the world oil situation puts a pressure on the domestic retail oil prices. It is expected the petrol price hike will surely happen on January 8.

Mr. Wittaya Wangjitrarak, PTT Plc’s assistant to president for oil business retail marketing, revealed the Dubai crude oil price rose more than 2 US dollars per barrel to 94.16 US dollars per barrel on Friday January 4.

The oil marketing margin is very low now, and price adjustment will be considered today.

PTT will carefully consider such issue with regard for oil users and other oil traders.

Mr. Wittaya said the oil situation would not be so good in January and February. But the situation would improve in March.

However, this year’s outlook is worse than last year’s.

PTT may have to raise another 0.40 baht per litre of all kinds of petrol if the world oil prices remain high.