
Dear friends and people of conscience.

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Dear friends and people of conscience.

You might be wondering why are these Thai people gathering at this place and at this time under the summer heat. The answer is simply because the previous and current government of our country and the entire cabinet have used their power and funds from fraudulent activities and put in place corrupt policies to abuse their own people and violate all forms of decency that no civilized individual with a conscience can ignore. The abuses have been recorded and ranges from human rights violations (over 3000 innocent people were shot dead), suppression of free press, police harassment, threats against its citizens, undue influence / conflict of interest violations, election fraud, insider trading, land grab for personal gain, tax evasion, tampering the constitution and wide spread corruption by government officials and more.

We are crying out to the world for help. There is a dictator Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra and a bully government headed by the current Prime Minister, Mr. Samak Sundaravej who continue to destroy our free and fair democratic election process in Thailand while the U.S. government looks the other way. Details here are some of their shameless conduct that has caused thousands of demonstrators from the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to demand Mr. Samak to step down while the main opposition party that has filed a motion of no confidence in parliament. Hundreds of thousands of PAD' members in Thailand have been on the street for longer than 60 days struggling under the rain and the heat of the sun, not to mention the constant harassment from the police, to no avail. The government does not budge and even worse they have intensified their pressure and abuse on our countrymen. He threatened to use force against the PAD protests ignoring the rights of the people under constitution .

Mr. Samak was convicted with the charge of slander and libel and currently the court is about to proceed with hearing on charges of corruption and bribery regarding the fire trucks contract. In addition he is being investigated on the bribery charge of 400 million yen (US $3,743,600) presumably paid to his office during his tenure as Bangkok Governor from a Japanese contractor. The court is about to charge him for using undue influence as a PM televises his personal cooking program with large monthly income and business sponsorship while receiving government salary.

Mr. Samak's cabinet is full of the messy and incompetent coalition politics that included nominees from previous PM, Thaksin who either cannot hold office or lack of qualifications. There are four wives, one husband, one younger brother and even one father of more powerful figures present in this cabinet, and a host of other ministers with no obvious qualifications for their jobs. The blunder he made is also to speculated a military coup, sending the financial markets plunging, and forcing the army commander to rush out a denial. On July 14 with a televised statement in which he announced “You have destroyed me, and now I will kill you"

Mr. Samak is a street-brawler, on July 14 he threatened to file an executive order to abolish the current constitution and eradicate the judicial system in order to free all his people from all charges including 111 former top officials who were banned by the court's decree for election fraud. If successful they could avoid about 10 billion dollars in total of tax evasion and corruption charge.

Mr. Samak failed to tackle the economy as the inflation has caused turmoil for the entire country. Driven by his cabinet members who control the industry, the prices of rice, sugar and other food products have unfairly and dramatically risen, initially benefiting farmers and manufacturers, then catching them off-guard as prices fell back. The Thai currency has suddenly slipped in value, pushing up the cost of energy even further. Mr. Samak's economic team has blundered around these challenges without producing any credible policies to address them. His cabinet members and family benefit from high price of gasoline since they control 90% of energy stock and receive outraged profit while the poor people suffer and struggle to make ends meet.

Mr. Samak under his watch Thailand has the first time lost to the Cambodia's bid to have an ancient temple on the border with Thailand listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site including the 4.6 square Kilometers commercial land surrounded the temple. The fact that the Foreign Minister, Noppodol Pattama, who negotiated the secret deal to support the listing, also used to be Mr. Thaksin's lawyer, has led some to believe that there was a deal secretly swapped the temple with a small island for gambling and casino interest in Cambodia. The tension has heightened in the area; especially a group of volunteers from ordinary citizens is being organized peacefully to face up the Cambodian army to fight and to regain the ancient temple and the land back. The sovereignty of our nation as well as our treasured land have been compromised by our own government, the traitors along with Mr. Thaksin. The traitors and Mr. Samak insisted they did nothing wrong. With the support from U.S. and other benefiting countries for the dirty deals with Cambodians, the Thai government holds the ultimate power hence they are untouchable. ***************************************

V Mr. Thaksin, the ousted PM who is directly behind this corrupted government and 110 other former top officials banned from holding political office, they simply put forward relatives and cronies to take up ministerial positions in their place of current government. Most of these new ministers lacked relevant competences and experience, consequently their performance has been shameful at best. Mr. Thaksin - a multi-billionaire who bought Manchester City football club last year has led to believe that the fund purchased the club came from the asset taken through the process of tax evasion and corruption in Thailand.

V Mr. Thaksin, the former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife face charges related to a Bangkok fraudulent real estate deal. The former prime minister is accused of using his political influence to help his wife buy the land from a state agency at a favorable price with an illegal fraction of sales tax. Mr. Thaksin also trampled on the judiciary system when three of his lawyers were jailed last month by the Supreme Court for blatantly offering $60,000 cash bribe in a cake box. He also used his corrupted cash assets for bribery and consequently created conflict, turmoil and division in every level of government and its people.

V Mr. Thaksin has incited violence and unjust force against the people in three (3) provinces in Southern Thailand who opposed his power and during his 5 years tenure as former PM, over 3,000 innocent were killed including a civil lawyer who litigated against Mr. Thanksin and many powerful officials. As a result those un-rested provinces have been experiencing killings and daily explosion from bombs and gun fights until today. The government has no solutions to curtail the situation thus fear, tragedy and constant threats are the norm for the people in that area.

People's Alliance for Democracy, USA – Canada

Come my comrades come, come to strengthen the people’s freedom.
An offering to the most high by the brave hearts oceans away.

Come my comrades come, come to build the path of freedom.
The night looms darker there are more tough plants blossom to fight.

มาสิ เพื่อน มา.. มาร่วมสร้าง พลังเสรี จักถวาย เป็นราชพลี ของวีรชน คนโพ้นทะเล

มาสิ เพื่อน มา.. มาช่วยสร้าง ทางเสรี ยิ่งมืดมิด ก็ยิ่งมี ไม้พันธุ์กร้าน บานท้าทาย
