
Buffalo races in Chonburi

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

CHONBURI, THAILAND: A participant takes part in the annual buffalo races in Chonburi, southeast of Bangkok on October 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Nicolas Asfouri
Scores of Thai farmers ditched their paddy fields for the race course to sprint across a dusty track on prized water buffalo, vying for glory in a decades-old racing contest.
CHONBURI, THAILAND: Participants take part in the annual buffalo races in Chonburi, southeast of Bangkok on October 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Nicolas Asfouri
CHONBURI, THAILAND: A participant takes part in the annual buffalo races in Chonburi, southeast of Bangkok on October 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Nicolas Asfouri
CHONBURI, THAILAND: Participants take part in the annual buffalo races in Chonburi, southeast of Bangkok on October 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Nicolas Asfouri