
Speed walking

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Kiev, UKRAINE: Ukrainian Yury Gora, 44, crosses the finish line and sets the countrys new record during his speed walking on the hands race in Kiev on June 20, 2013. Yury Gora overcomed on his hands 60 meters for 54.57 seconds. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Yury Gora, 44, spent 54.57 seconds to walk on hands to cover the distance of 60 metres.
Kiev, UKRAINE: An expert of the Ukrainian National Record Register fixes the countrys new record as Yury Gora, 44, crosses the finish line during his speed walking on the hands in Kiev on June 20, 2013. Yury Gora overcomed on his hands 60 meters for 54.57 seconds. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Kiev, UKRAINE: Ukrainian Yury Gora, 44, answers journalists questions after he set the countrys new record during his speed walking on the hands race in Kiev on June 20, 2013. Yury Gora overcomed on his hands 60 meters for 54.57 seconds. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Kiev, UKRAINE: An unidentified expert of the Ukrainian National Record Register applauds as Yury Gora, 44, holds the diploma handed to him after he set the countrys new record for speed walking on the hands in Kiev on June 20, 2013. Yury Gora overcomed on his hands 60 meters for 54.57 seconds. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky