
S. Korea officer guilty of insulting president on Twitter

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

A South Korean army officer received a suspended jail term Friday for insulting President Lee Myung-Bak on Twitter -- the first serving officer to be charged in the country over social networking. -- Photo: AFP

August 31, 2012
SEOUL (AFP) - A South Korean army officer received a suspended jail term Friday for insulting President Lee Myung-Bak on Twitter -- the first serving officer to be charged in the country over social networking.

The 28-year-old captain was found guilty of posting comments on his account last December criticising Lee using foul language.

The military court said it sentenced him to six months in prison but suspended his term for one year as it was his first offence.

Prosecutors said military law dictated that army officers should refrain from insulting their seniors or commanders.

Citing freedom of expression, lawyers unsuccessfully argued that the officer as a citizen had legitimately criticised Lee's policies.

The case has prompted the defence ministry to announce new guidelines on the use of social media that advises soldiers not to express political views or defame others.