
Softbank president to give 10 billion yen to quake victims

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Natori, Miyagi, JAPAN : Tsunami survivors smile after finding their photo album among debris in a tsunami washed field in Natori, Miyagi prefecture on April 3, 2011. A tsunami-hit Japanese port town where more than half the population are now homeless started a mass evacuation of some 1,100 people to be sheltered elsewhere. AFP PHOTO / JIJI PRESS

April 4, 2011
TOKYO (AFP) - Masayoshi Son, president of Japanese telecom giant Softbank, will donate 10 billion yen ($118 million) to support victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the company said.

Son also plans to donate all remuneration that he will receive as the head of the Softbank group from the current fiscal year until his retirement in order to support children who lost their parents due to the disaster.

The 53-year-old Son has said he plans to hand over control of the company in his 60s and is currently looking for a successor, Dow Jones Newswires reported.

Meanwhile, the Softbank group will provide one billion yen in aid for the victims and relief fund for the reconstruction of the disaster-hit area.

The money will be donated through the Japanese Red Cross Society and other organisations, while the company is seeking ways to provide the money to those in urgent need, Softbank said.