
Tree-planting world record set in Philippines

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Pili, -, PHILIPPINES : Residents plant tree seedlings during a tree planting activity as part of the provincial government conservation project in the town of Pili, Camarines sur province, south of Manila on February 23, 2011. The provincial government aims to plant 12 million trees by 2012, to mark the country as green capital of Asia and enter the Guinness Book of World Records. AFP PHOTO/TED

February 24, 2011
MANILA (AFP) - Philippine environmentalists have set a world record for the most trees planted simultaneously, kickstarting an enormous reforesteration programme, organisers said Thursday.

Nearly 7,000 people helped in the mass planting of saplings in denuded forest and grassland in the eastern province of Camrines Sur on Wednesday, said Mara oneil Cordova, spokeswoman for El Verde (The Green) project.

"We had 64,096 trees planted in 15 minutes. This was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records that everything was accurate and correct," Cordova told AFP.

The effort beat the previous Guinness world record of 50,033 trees planted in India last year, she said.

Wednesday marked the start of the provincial government-backed programme to plant 12 million trees in the logged forests of Camarines Sur by next year.

The planting, on government-owned land, is intended to stop erosion and restore watersheds, she said.

The forests of the Philippines are among the 10 most endangered in the world, according to global environment group Conservation International.