
Indonesian president releases new pop album

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File photo of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who has composed another album of romantic pop songs. (AFP/DDP/File/Michael Gottschalk)

January 25, 2010
JAKARTA (AFP) - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has taken a break from battling rampant corruption and mutinous coalition partners to compose another album of romantic pop songs.

"Ku Yakin Sampai Di Sana" (I'm Certain I'll Get There) was released Sunday and features some of Indonesia's best-known singers and musicians.

Like the 60-year-old former general's previous two albums, "Ku Yakin" deals with themes such as love, loyalty and patriotism.

"In my spare time from fulfilling the people's mandate as president, I like to express my feelings in works of art," the president commonly known as SBY writes on the album cover, which features an image of children running with the Indonesian flag.

"The songs were written from the belief that nothing can change the fate of a nation except the people themselves, and the conviction of a noble purpose."

"Indonesian Idol" talent show winners Vidi Adiano, Rio Febrian and Joy Tobing were among the stars who recorded the president's songs and performed at Sunday's launch, which Yudhoyono did not attend.

"The president communicates his feelings through music. In this album, he wants people to have big dreams and work hard towards achieving them," presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha told AFP on Monday.

"His songs are about life. While travelling in the car, he will observe things around him and then jot down the lyrics and read them out."

Yudhoyono's debut release was "Rinduku Padamu" (My Longing for You) in 2007, which was followed by "Evolusi" (Evolution) in 2009.

He won a second five-year term in July with promises of economic growth, political reform and good governance.

But his new administration has been beset by corruption scandals and a damaging probe led by two of his coalition partners into a controversial bank bailout.

Lyrics from the title track show the mild-mannered president wrestling with the responsibility of power:

"Although it's difficult, I must go through it

I chose the path I believe in

Don't force things that are impossible

My life must be honest and right."