
See-through goldfish

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Tsu, JAPAN : A handout picture taken on December 7, 2009 and released by Mie University shows a see-through goldfish whose beating hearts can be seen through translucent scales and skin at Japans Mie University in Tsu city, central Japan. AFP PHOTO / MIE UNIVERSITY / HO

December 29, 2009
Tsu, Japan (AFP) - A Japanese biology lecturer and his team have been successful to develop the transparent goldfish to mark the biological revolution in Japan.

Yutaka Tamaru, an associate biology professor at Mie University and his team, have introduced the so-called see-through goldfish whose beating hearts can be seen through translucent scales and skin.

The see-through goldfish is to facilitate dissections in laboratory.