
Thailand develops JE vaccine

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


May 15, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) - The JE vaccine named SA14-14-2 was tested successfully in Thailand, helping to cut cost since one injection could create immunity for up to five years.

The so-called vaccine is as good as the present vaccine which is made from rat’s brain. One injection can build up to five years of immunity against the Japanese Encephalitis (JE).

The present JE vaccine which has been used for several years has a problem in terms of high costs.

Concerns over the side-effects of the present vaccine were expressed in many countries.

JE is caused by the JE GenusFlsvivirus and normally carried by culex. It is a fearsome and dangerous disease.

The infection period is about 3-15 days. Symptoms include encephalitis, meningitis and febrile headache.

Risk group is children aged 3-15 years old. The disease can happen all year round and is an epidemic in the Southeast Asia and Pacific.

The death rate of this tropical epidemic is 25 percent and two-thirds face physical as well as intellectual disability after recovery.