
Vegetarian cat

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April 29, 2009
A rescued cat turns his nose up at everything but organic fruit and vegetables.

Dante, two, was found close to starvation as a kitten by owner Becky Page, reports the Daily Mirror.

Miss Page, 21, of Tasburgh, near Norwich, said: "I tried feeding him meat, fish, everything else cats like, but he turned his nose up.

"Just when I thought nothing would work, he wolfed down a plate of veg I was going to throw out. I have to smuggle bits of meat in among the veggies so he gets all the nutrients he needs.

"But sometimes he spots the meat and leaves it. He has a unique appetite - but he's certainly healthy."

Miss Page, who grows her own fruit and veg, said Dante's current favourites included melon, bananas, broccoli, rhubarb, asparagus, aubergine and Brussels sprouts.

Maggie Roberts, director of veterinary services at Cats Protection, said: "This is extremely rare. Cats are obligate carnivores and cannot be vegetarian."