
You are what you drink

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Milk2  http://nebraskanep.unl.edu

March 16, 2009
Can you describe yourself to other people? How well do you know yourself? Here are some clues you can rely on. It is said the flavor of milk can tell what kind of person we are.

Original-flavored milk
You are very active. You try to be successful. You are a good leader not a good follower. You don’t like to surrender. Sometimes, people think you indulge yourself too much. You are very sensitive.

You are very imaginative and always cheerful. With those characters, you have lot of friends and have never been lonely at all. However, when you have no friend, you will be lonely so much that you can’t bear it. Though you are cheerful, you are also stubborn and do not listen to other people much.

Strawberry-flavored milk
You are modern. You like to dress yourself, go sight-seeing and enjoy party. You have many friends, but you tend to cause problems to them. You are determined to marry someone.

Chocolate-flavored milk
You are very confident and honest. Your friends often consult their problems with you as you are good at problem solving. You keep secrets well. So, people trust you very much. However, you do not consult your problems with anyone as you don’t think they can help solve the problems.

Soy bean milk
You are cute, shy, tender and sweet. People like you as you are so polite. But you are easy to cry and tend to be nervous. You will be brave when it is time to do something. You are witted and keep up with other people’s tricks. Anyway, you will not say it out as you are afraid other people will get angry with you.