
Divorcee rang 999 to find new boyfriend

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

March 13, 2009
A desperate housewife has been reported for wasting police time in Germany after dialling 999 more than 100 times in the hope of finding a new husband.

Divorcee Angela Stahl, 44, plagued the emergency line with endless calls claiming she couldn't afford dating agencies.

Two officers finally visited her home in Berlin, Germany - and confiscated the battery from her mobile phone.

A police spokesman said: "We warned her on a number of occasions that she was using the emergency services line inappropriately and she could face serious consequences.

"Emergency services is exactly what it is called - a service for emergencies - and not a dating agency. Having no boyfriend is not an emergency.

"Our officers have explained this to the woman and she has promised to contact more appropriate bodies to help her find a boyfriend."

Stahl explained: "I was desperate. I did not know where else to turn."