
Chips aroma

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Ananova web.

February 27, 2009
Scientists say we love the smell of chips because they include a mixture of aromas - including butterscotch, onion and ironing boards.

Researcher Dr Graham Clayton said: "The chip doesn't smell of just chips. One might not expect to find butterscotch or cocoa aromas in chips, but these are just one part of the overall aroma.

"The aroma is much more complex and probably explains why chips are everyone's favourite.

"We found lightly cooked or undercooked chips contained three simple aromas like bitter cocoa. Extra cooking produced up to nine different aromas."

The study was carried out at Leeds University. It was commissioned by the Potato Council for National Chip Week.

Dr Clayton added: "Perhaps these findings will see chips treated like wine in the future, with fans turning into buffs as they impress friends with descriptions of their favourite fries."