
HM the King to receive a medal from WIPO

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Courtesy photo from the Bureau of the Royal Household.

January 13, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) director-general Francis Gurry will present a medal to HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej at the Klaikangwol Palace.

Mr. Gurry will be granted an audience with HM the King on January 14.

The medal presentation is to mark HM the King’s leadership in terms of intellectual property.

HM the King is the first person to receive this reward since he has given importance to the protection of the intellectual property and the invention for rural community development.

King Bhumibol has got patents for more than 20 items based on his invention.

Gurry, Australian national, joined WIPO in 1985 as a consultant in the Development Cooperation and External Relations Bureau for Asia and the Pacific.

He was appointed as the director-general in 2008.

Gurry is the fourth director-general of WIPO apart from Mr. Georg Bodenhausen of the Netherlands (1970-1973) Mr. Arpad Bogsch of the United States (1973-1997) and Dr. Kamil Idris of Sudan (1997-2008).

Founded by the WIPO Convention in 1967, WIPO now has 183 member countries.