
Thai officials file criminal damage charges against protesters

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 10, 2009
BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai officials Friday filed a criminal complaint against protesters and requested 530,000 dollars in compensation for damage done to government offices during a three-and-a-half month siege.

Police said a representative from Government House had made the complaint against the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), claiming 18.8 million baht worth of damage and theft of state property.

The PAD took to the streets in May in an attempt to oust government allies of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, upping their protest in late August by taking over the main government offices in the capital.

They left their protest camp only on December 3, after a court ruling forced the government to step down and after they had launched a week-long blockade of Bangkok's two airports, forcing their closure.

On reoccupying their offices, officials discovered widespread damage at Government House, along with dozens of weapons left behind.

"Police will send officials to investigate and question witnesses. We hope to complete this case as soon as possible," said Major General Anan Srihiran of Bangkok's metropolitan police.

Anan said some 30 officials working at Government House had filed separate complaints against the protesters.

Newly elected Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has repeatedly promised to prosecute the protesters, for the sake of national reconciliation.