
Thais want unity, peace back on Father’s Day

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


December 4, 2008
Bangkok - Most Thai people wanted united and peaceful society on the occasion of the Father’s Day, according to the National Statistical Office.

78% of respondents voted for unity and peace to mark the Father’s Day on December 5.

All parties were urged to join forces to solve any obstacles as well as economic problem.

56.4 percent wanted to see their fathers be healthy. Others said they wanted their fathers to be the good head of family, have time for family and be their friends in all situations.

91.4 percent of fathers said they wanted their children to be good persons and listen to their words the most (91.4 percent).

The Family Network Foundation surveyed 504 sample groups and they had good memories about good and family-loving fathers.

However, bad memories were fathers who took alcoholic drinks, were bad-tempered and had no time for family.

22 percent thought fathers caused family problems.

Fathers were asked to realize the importance of the role of family head.