
Auto exports raised to 791,000 units this year

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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October 16, 2008
Bangkok - Auto exports were raised from 770,000 to 791,000 units as Thailand tended to export more autos this year, according to the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).

The country’s auto exports increased 20% in the first eight months of this year.

72% of the auto exports would be pickup trucks while 4% modified pickup trucks and 24% cars respectively.

Wallop Tiasiri, director of Thailand Automotive Institute, was confident Thailand’s auto exports would be positive despite global financial crisis

European Union and Australia were markets affected by world economic crisis.

Both markets accounted for 30% of the total auto exports.

It was estimated Thailand’s total auto production would be 1.4 million units while auto exports would be 800,000 units.

Industry Minister Pol Gen Pracha Promnok said that Thailand’s government and private sector joined Japan’s government and private sector to develop labor’s skills.

This was to enhance the potential of Thailand’s auto and auto parts production.

Industry ministry and Board of Investment (BoI) still supported private companies to invest more continually.