
Boat fares drop today

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


September 22, 2008
Bangkok - The Chao Phraya Express Boat Co Ltd announced its fare cuts today after the diesel oil price has continuously fallen.

Captain Prinya Rakvathin, president of the Thai Boat Association, said the express and regular boat fares would decrease two and one baht respectively.

Saensaeb boat fare would also fall two baht.

The boat fare cuts were in line with plunging diesel oil price which was lower than 32 baht per litre.

As for the BMTA and Transport Co or Bor Kor Sor bus fares, the Central Land Transport Control Committee would consider the fare adjustment again when the diesel oil price declined to be lower than 29 baht per litre.

The crude oil price in the New York market still rose 6.67 US dollars per barrel to 104.55 US dollars per barrel.

The domestic gold prices shrank 100 baht this morning. The price of gold bar and ornaments were 13,650 and 14,050 baht per one-baht gold weight respectively.