
PM visits new offices

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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September 19, 2008
Bangkok - Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat inspected his new offices at the Don Muang Airport where the government’s temporary offices are.

This is to avoid demonstrators who are occupying the Government House.
Bangkok’s domestic Don Muang Airport will serve more than 2,000 staff members who usually work at the Government House.

The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) staging its protest since May 25 has seized the Government House for more than three weeks.

The group successfully forced Samak to step down, but vowing to protest against the corrupt government and politicians.

"Today I come to survey the site and I find that it's solid," Somchai told reporters, adding that he would work from the airport "until Government House returns to normal."

The pro-government group planned to rally at a nearby plaza Friday, insisting they would stay away from the Government House to prevent clashes.

HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej yesterday endorsed the appointment of Somchai as a new prime minister.

House Speaker Chai Chidchob cited HM the King wanted the premier to form the government as soon as possible.

Refusing to answer questions about new cabinet, Somchai only said he would announce the cabinet list soon.