
LOXLEY fell 2% after online lottery

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

August 20, 2008
Bangkok - LOXLEY share price decreased more than 2% after a petition was sent to the Administrative Court.

The share price dropped up to 2.16% to 2.72 baht this morning.

Deputy Finance Minister Pradit Pataraprasit revealed the Administrative Court ordered the director of the Government Lottery Office to give explanations on September 10.

The petition was sent to the court to call for the suspension of the online lottery issuing.

The two-three-digit lottery will be first available on September 17.

It was demanded that the online lottery scheme should be suspended temporarily until the new lottery act was enforced.

Loxley holds 51% stake in Loxley GTEC Technology which owns the concession to distribute the online lottery.

A source at the GLO said the preparations for the launch of the online lottery have not been suspended yet.